Lower Body anatomy

In this blog i am going to discuss the anatomy of the muscles present in our lower body.

These muscles form the base of the whole body . Like in order to make a big building you need to have a strong base . similarly in order to make a strong overall physique ., You need to have strong lower body muscles

Now let us discuss the anatomy of various muscles present in our lower body

1: Quadriceps muscle – As the name suggest it consist of a group of four muscles and it is used to extend the legs. It is located in front of thighs


2:Hamstrings-The hamstring muscles are a group of three muscles located on the rear side of your thigh. These three muscles are namely the biceps femoris, the semimembranosus, and the semitendinosus.These muscles are used to bend the knees .This muscle is very prone to injuries so therefore  we need to treat this much more importance and make it strong.



3: Glutes-These are a group of three muscles that form the buttocks namely gluteas maximus, gluteas medius and gluteas minimus.glutes

4: Calves-The calf  is the muscle which is located on the back   portion of the lower leg . It is attached  to the heel via the achilles tendon

Pictures of Calf muscle 1990


Core muscle building

My todays blog will be regarding core muscle building .Everybody wants to achieve the ultimate six pack chiseled core but it is the most difficult part of our body to build .

There is a unique thing about core muscles . They get recover very easily , so therefore we can do core muscle training more than twice per week .

let us discuss the exercises for various muscles of the core

1: Abdominal crunch abs crunch

Abdominal crunches are a classic core-strength exercise:

  • In this exercise the person need to Lie on their back and put their feet on the ground at a slight angle to their butt as shown in the figure above . Tighten your abdominal muscles.
  • Now uplift  your head and shoulders off the floor.  cross your arms on your chest rather than locking them behind your head as it will reduce neck stress. Hold for couple of seconds at the top
  • Return to the start position and repeat.
  • you can do 3 sets of 20 reps
  • it is used to target rectus abdominus muscle of our core


Side plank

side plank

It is used to build the muscles along the side of your waist namely external obliques and internal obliques

  • For this exercise first of all Lie on your right side, raising yourself onto your left forearm . Put  left shoulder directly above the left elbow. Important thing to keep in mind is to put  your shoulders, knees and hips  in alignment.
  • Tighten your abdominal muscles. Hold the position for couple of seconds . The important thing is to feel the pressure on the obliques throughout the hold. Repeat the same procedure on the  right side.



1. First thing for this exercise that we require is  a hyperextension bench.

2.Adjust the handle of the bench so that you can fix your legs inside the bench

3. Extend your body parallel to the bench and place your hands behind your neck.

4. Then start to bend your body forward   slowly in a controlled manner as far as you can while keeping your back flat.

5. Without rounding your back, keep moving forward as far as possible.

6. Slowly raise your torso back to the starting position without putting pain on your lower back.







Online Safety and Security

In this blog i am going to write about one of the most discussed topic nowadays “online safety and privacy. This blog will be one of the 2 blogs i am going to write on this topic of Online safety and security.In todays blog i am going to discuss how online safety and security is impacting on a personal level .

It is very important for people to be aware of their social medias because social media  nowadays has much of personal information that some people want to use that  information to harm you.Identity theft, cyber bullying, and  cyber stalking are some of the ways we can be in a danger . Being aware of this and how to keep safe is critical.Therefore it is critical nowadays  to protect your vital information using cyber security hacks .

May be i am not a cybersecurity expert but i still use somepreventive measure to secure my personal data in my social media accounts by changing my password every couple of months . along with that i use very complex passwords which are not easy to be decrypted .

Moreover i started to use one more hack to remember my password from last one year and that is” Last Pass”.

Last pass -It is a leading  password management apps and the best thing is, it is free for the basic version. , LastPass works as an extension on your browser, storing all of the passwords and online shopping profiles in one location using encryption methods. We need to login to LastPass each time we launch our browser and the app fills the information using the information we have stored in it.

further more try to share your personal data in social media only with people who you know properly . Nowadays everybody wants to have a lot of followers online , So therefore they always accept friend request of even strangers which is not a good idea.

Always have your friend circle with people who you can trust .

Along with that dont try to share your locations online because it can be a threat for you

Moreover . I keep my address, phone numberetc hidden as well as information about my family.

.We should also be aware of fake links which are very common nowadays.I don’t click on links that I’m not sure of .

Thanks for reading my blog


core body anatomy

After building the upperbody , Now lets come to the core of the body. There is a reason why it is called “core” . This is because it hold the whole body together. The more stronger the core is the more powerful your overall body is.

Now let us understand the anatomy of our core muscles.

A lot of people just think about   ” abs” only . but there is much more than only abs included in the core. abs are just a part of core.

major muscles that are included in the core are as follows


Rectus Abdominis
The Rectus Abdominis is a long muscle that extends along the front of the abdomen. This is the ‘six-pack’ part that everyone wants and it becomes  visible with reduced body fat.

Transverse Abdominis (TVA)
It is the deepest of the abdominal muscles, this core muscle lies under the obliques

External Obliques
These core muscles are on the side and front of the abdomen area, around the waist, and lays on top of the muscles of internal obliques.

Internal Obliques
These core muscles lie under the external obliques,and the directions of the fiber is opposite to external obliques

Multifidus Muscle
The Multifidus Muscle is a muscle deep in the spine. It stabilizes each joint and makes each vertebra of the spine work perfectly.

Erector Spinae
it  is a group of three core muscles along our neck to our lower back.

now i hope that you know that six pack abs is only part of your core and not the whole core.In the next blog i will discuss how to train our core muscles .

dont forget to follow my blogs for getting the notification of my next blogs


Protecting intellectual property

Protect intellectual property corresponds to protecting the online content of people by making some standard  rules and regulations for  giving the permission to other people who wanted to use that stuff

It is important to know that protecting intellectual property is important legally also. It can be a lot of trouble if you dont know the proper way of copy writing from someone else post.

In Todays class  I learnt about protecting intellectual property  from Belma . Intellectual property rights are
like any other property right.
Using these rights allow creators or writers of
patents, trademarks or copyrighted
works to gain advantage from their own
hardwork  in a creation. This is very important because a person do so much hard work to make a creation and if they dont get any benefit from that, then that hardwork is not worth at all.

In this blog i am also going to discuss regarding copyright and copyleft systems and try to explain how copyright and copyleft  systems protect intellectual property.

whenever  there is a copyright issue , the first thing of discussion is who owns the content . The ownership of the content is very puzzly and technical issue.Due to this sometimes the person dont even know that they have copied content from someone when they have posted . It even happened with me once when i posted a youtube video and put some music in that . Due to which youtube deleted that video due to the copyright issue. So therefore it is very necessary thing to understand all the technical issues regarding copyright/copyleft before posting anything online.

let us understand the role of copyright/copyleft in protecting intellectual property.

Basically  copyright gives the owner right to say how his work will be used. It is like a law which is used to safe owners work from people who try to use their work. It is just one part of a group of laws about intellectual property.

copyleft exist within the rules of copyright. If you want to offer your content for free use by the people then you can use copyleft. It is a free software using which you can give permissions for your work to be used by others. however author can apply some sort of condition on the use of content. The condition can be like whether the content can be used for making money or not etc.

if i talk about myself then my content is automatically protected by the newzealand intellectual property office. this is because if you dont mention anything then by default it comes under copyright









After understanding the anatomy of upper body muscles from the last blog  now i will discuss the exercises that we can do to build those muscles.

lets start!

lets discuss about chest training first .

chest is a very big muscle , So therefore intensity and volume required to train these muscles is also more as compared to other muscles.

In my opinion compound movements work best for chest.

Best exercise of chest is bench press and its variations.BENCH PRESS

Do 3 sets of 10-12 reps per session.

Every week you can do a different variation of bench press such as flat bench press, declined bench press or inclined bench press

now lets focus on back which gives you that vshape that everybody wants to have .

because back is a large muscle so therefore we need to do compound movements for better results.

The best compound exercise to do for back is deadlift . along with deadlift, we can do rows and lat pulldown also for better overall development of backdedlift




Next muscle group to target in upper body is shoulders. for shoulders i like to do military press most . reason behind this is that using this exercise we can hit all the three heads of shoulder namely anterior delt, lateral delt and rear delt.shoulder

do 3 sets of 10-12 reps once a week


last but not the least arms . As i told in the previous blog that arms include biceps, triceps and forearms. here i am going to share exercises for each of them .

For biceps barbell curls are best . It hits all the heads of biceps. try to keep your elbows close to the body and curl the barbell in a controlled manner. Try to do 8-12 reps in 3 sets.


arms training

For triceps tricep pushdown is the best exercise . Apart from this skull crusher is also very good exercise

triceps pskull crusher

last but not the least forearms . This is the most neglected part of the body . you will see very few people in the gym doing forearm training but it is a big mistake . we should always include forearms in the training because they form the base for all the upper body development. for forearms i use to do forearm curls using a barbell . I do this using two grips namely underhand and overhand grip.forarm

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Participating in a community

From last one year i am following a facebook page called” Mix martial arts MMA”. The reason behind following this page was because i have a lot of interest in mix martial arts and i am also preparing to make a career in MMA very soon.

More specifically why i choose this facebook channel was because these guys keep up to date posts of all the action in the martial arts world . These guys give notice of all the major mma  events going around the world . Apart from this we can share our thoughts on the upcoming fights . To be honest i enjoy all the discussion with my fellow friends on this facebook page . below are few of the mst recent comments that i posted on this page . I had a lot more detailed discussion regarding ufc fights with the page members before but i could not find those comments.


If some page member become vulgar in the comments then the page admin block that person from the facebook page. They provide a open platform to share your opinion , ideas regarding the major events in the martial arts world but no one can cross the limits of unacceptble behavior . 6 months ago the page admin block a guy who was getting very abusive due to a loss of his country player . therefore admin blocked that person and put an FIR against him in police also.



community sc1communs5community sc2com s4com sc3


After understanding what fitness is all about . All my upcoming blogs will be regarding  understanding ur muscles anatomy and  how to train our bodies in gym.

In My Today’s blog i am going to discuss the anatomy of muscles in our upper body  regarding how to train our upper body for muscle building, endurance  and strength purposes.

lets start with understanding the anatomy of muscles present in our upper body.

biggest muscle of our upper body is chest. It is further subdivided into pectoralis major and pectoralis  minorpectoral-muscles

After chest the second biggest muscle in the upper body is upper back .upper  Back is a very complex muscle group . It contains lats,traps and rhomboid and elevator del as shown in the diagram below


back muscle

now let us talk about the third muscle group of upper body and those are shoulders. shoulders is a pretty small muscle as compared to chest and back but it still consists 3 muscles namely lateral deltoid, anterior deltoid and posterior deltoid.



last but not the least arms . every body wants to have strong titanic arms !! . if you want to have them them you need to understand the anatomy of arms .

arms include biceps , triceps and forearms .


forearms are further divided into extensors and flexors as you can see in the diagram above.

Thats it for todays blog . In the next blog i will discuss about how to train all these upper body muscles.

Thanks for reading my blog and follow my blog to get the notification of my new posts.

Managing your online identity

In this blog i am going to discuss about the way i have personalized my blogs.

First of all i choose a logo for my blogs which shows a warrior with a hawk . It represent power.and because all my blogs are related to fitness i want to have a logo that represent that and it will give my blogs a unique identity .

Apart from this i choose a theme according to my requirements

My Blog Theme– I have used the theme 2015.

Why i choose this theme-Theme 2015 is a default theme which is clean, blog-focused, and designed for clarity. Twenty Fifteen’s has a very, straightforward typography and it is readable on a wide variety of screen sizes, and suitable for multiple languages. I like the thing that  content takes center-stage, regardless of whether  visitors arrive by smartphone, tablet, laptop, or desktop computer.

Apart from this i have choosen to attach facebook ,twitter and instagram to my wordpress blog in order to reach a broader range of audience.

This is important because I am trying to target the youth for my blogs and those people who are fitness enthusiast. So therefore it is very important to target the social media platforms where i can find these type of people .

facebook, instagram and twitter are abundant with these type of viewers.

Moreover i tried to give my own unique thoughts regarding fitness that i learned from myself to give a unique perspective to my viewers.

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jagdeep singh social media SCM501

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